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St. Agnes Cemetery, Menands, NY.
Book 3 – Index to Interment Records
Years 1886-1910

Follow instructions below to obtain information on interments.

The information in this database, name, date of death and age, was copied from Interment Book 3 at St. Agnes Cemetery, 48 Cemetery Ave., Menands, NY. While every effort was made to transcribe the data accurately and true to its original spelling, some errors may appear. When in doubt or for further information, the researcher is advised to refer to the original source at St. Agnes Cemetery Office.

Other information that was posted in the cemetery interment book MAY include; (1.) Place of birth, (2.) Place of death, (3.) Residence address and (4.) Interment date (5.) In Whose Lot Interred, (6.) Lot Number, and (7.) Section Number. This additional information can be requested from the Albany Diocesan Cemeteries for a fee of $5.00.

Click HERE to print a request form. 

For further information on this project please contact Bill McGrath at [email protected]