Find Your Troy, NY area ancestors, Irish or Not!

Stone Erected By Edmond Carey



On June 28, 2014 a group of volunteers headed by TIGS member Barry Considine worked righting tombstones and uncovering buried tombstones in the Old Section of St. Mary’s Cemetery, Troy, NY

The project encompasses Sections A, and 1 through 8.
Not all sections had tipped stones,
and not all stones were able to be tipped by hand tools.
At least a dozen stones remain upside-down.




Map of St. Mary’s Cemetery The Red Rectangle designates the Project Area

In all, there were 36 stones “discovered”, one of them a fragment with no names, just dates and places of birth. From those discovered stones, 60 names were recorded. 25 stones had place of birth, though two said simply “Native of Ireland”. There were 23 stones dedicated to Irish born, 1 to Scots born, and 1 from New York City.

This project was successful due to the effort of volunteers: Jim Davey, Maggie Smith, Bob Stackrow, Anne Stackrow and Chris Phillippo.

Thanks also to Kelly Grimaldi, historian at St. Agnes Cemetery in Menands for lobbying for this project with the Diocesan Cemeteries.

This database of names is especially important considering that all St. Mary’s records prior to 1900 are missing.



Tombstone Names