Find Your Troy, NY area ancestors, Irish or Not!

Troy, NY
1793 to 1890

The names in this database were extracted from the book, TROY’S ONE HUNDRED YEARS, 1789-1889, by Arthur James Weise, M. A. Published in 1891 by William H. Young, 7 AND 9 First Street, Troy N. Y.

During the period 1793 to 1890 there were 52 different churches and synagogues located in Troy. The leaders of these churches & synagogues (Pastor, Preacher, Rabbi, Rector and Minister) along with their time period of service, is shown for each religious establishment.

Family researchers will be able to search this database of 528 names to identify the religious establishment connected with their relative and the time period. In some cases genealogists may have copies of marriage records showing the name of the officiating clergyman but not the name of the church. This data base may be of help in identifying that church.

1 Abele George Pastor 1860 to 1862 First German Methodist Episcopal Church
2 Adams George D. Pastor 1881 Oakwood Avenue Presbyterian Church
3 Adams Richard S. Assistant Minister (Officiated at St. Paul's Free Chapel) November 9, 1869 to July 5, 1870 St. Paul's Protestant Episcopal Church
4 Allen Arthur Huntington Pastor From February 8, 1885 Woodside Presbyterian Church
5 Anderson Daniel G. Pastor December 18, 1874 to December 30, 1875 St. Luke's Protestant Episcopal Church
6 Anderson James H. Pastor 1877 to 1880 Zion Methodist Episcopal Church
7 Anderson Kerr C., D. D. Pastor Called December 26, 1883         Installed February 26,1884      Resigned September 28, 1885 First Presbyterian Church
8 Andrews E. W. Pastor September 18, 1844 to 1848 Second Street Presbyterian Church
9 Andrews Edward W., S. S. Pastor 1849 Third Presbyterian Church
10 Angier Joseph Pastor 1851 to 1853 First Unitarian Church

The 52 churches and synagogues, identified by denomination, were:

Presbyterian Churches:
First Presbyterian Church
Second Presbyterian Church
Third Presbyterian Church
Second Street Presbyterian Church
Liberty Street Presbyterian Church
Fourth Presbyterian Church
Park Presbyterian Church
Woodside Presbyterian Church
Oakwood Avenue Presbyterian Church
Ninth Presbyterian Church
Westminster Presbyterian Church
Mount Ida Presbyterian Church
United Presbyterian Church

Baptist Churches:
First Particular Baptist Church
Second Particular Baptist Church
North Baptist or Fifth Avenue Baptist Church
Vail (Sixth Avenue) Baptist Church
South Troy Baptist Church

Protestant Episcopal Churches:
St. Paul’s Church
St. John’s Church
Christ Church
Church of the Holy Cross
Free Church of the Ascension
St. Luke’s Church
St. Barnabas Chapel

Methodist Episcopal Churches:
State Street Church
Pawling Avenue (Albia) Church
North Second Street (Fifth Avenue) Church
Levings Chapel
Third Street Church
First German Church
Trinity Church
Grace (Vail Avenue) Church
Zion Church

Roman Catholic Churches:
St. Peter’s Church
St. Mary’s Church
St. Joseph’s Church
Church of St. Jean Baptiste
St. Francis Church
St. Lawrence Church
St. Patrick’s Church
St. Michael’s Church
St. Paul the Apostle’s Church

The Church of Christ Churches:
(First) Church of Christ
(Second) Church of Christ

Other Churches:
Trinity German Evangelical Lutheran Church
The Evangelical Church
First Universalist Church
First Unitarian Church

Jewish Synagogues:
Berith Sholom Synagogue
Beth Israel Bickur Cholom Synagogue
Shaare Tephilla Synagogue

If anyone is interested in helping on a similar project,
contact Bill McGrath at: [email protected]