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Marriage Records with Troy, NY area connections. Extracted from records compiled by
the Burden Iron Company

The information in this database was extracted from a file of Troy, NY newspaper clippings maintained by employees of the Burden Iron Company in Troy NY. The records are part of the Burden Papers Collection presently housed at the Rensselaer County Historical Society located at 57 Second Street, Troy NY 12180.

It will be noted that the names of certain individuals appear multiple times depending on the number of Marriage Announcements that appeared in the local newspapers. While every effort was made to transcribe the data accurately and true to its original spelling, some errors may appear. When in doubt or for further information, the researcher is advised to refer to the original source at the Rensselaer County Historical Society.

Special thanks go to the staff at Rensselaer County Historical Society for their courtesy and cooperation and also to Tom Carroll, Executive Director of the Hudson-Mohawk Industrial Gateway, who brought these records to our attention.