Find Your Troy, NY area ancestors, Irish or Not!

Representative Young Irish Americans of Troy, NY


ALL names (wives, parents, other relatives, business connections, etc) mentioned in the various biographies are listed in the index of names below. So, whenever you click on a name, and the biography that comes up is for a DIFFERENT named individual, please READ the biography. The name you clicked on will be mentioned in the text of the biography. When we set up this data base, we felt that ALL of the names mentioned in every biography should be listed in the index and LINKED to the individual they are connected with. This should be helpful when searching any names as it may lead you to names of individuals where you were unaware of the connection.


Book Introduction
Ahern, John Francis
Ahern,John F.
Ahern, Michael
Bacon, J.G.
Barry John F.
Barry, Johanna
Barry, Mary
Barton, Henry
Bridgeman , John Francis
Bridgeman , Kate C .
Bridgeman , Mary
Bridgeman , Peter
Bristol, George
Broderick, Hannah
Broderick, Joseph, H.
Broderick, Mary
Broderick, Michael.
Bulmer, John
Bulmer, Lizzie
Burns, Con F.
Burns, David
Burns, Ellen
Burns, George
Burns, James
Burns, John W.
Cary, Charles H.F.
Cary, James
Cary, Kittie
Cary, Mary
Cassidy. Anna
Caufield , Mary
Cavanaugh, Emma
Cavanaugh, Joseph Henry
Cavanaugh, Maggie E.
Cavanaugh, Patrick
Champion, Mary L.
Church, Andrew M.
Clogan , Libbie
Coffey, James W.
Coffey, Michael
Coffey, Sarah
Coffey,Nora A.
Colby, John H.
Collins, Alice
Collins, Carrie E.
Collins, John H.
Collins, Mary
Collins, Michael Francis
Collins, Patrick
Collins, Theresa
Collins, William
Conway, Daniel E.
Conway, Henry A.
Conway, John
Conway, Mary
Conway, Mary
Conway, Teresa
Conway, William
Coon, George H.
Cox, Catherine
Cox, Catherine
Cox, John
Cox, William D.
Coyle, Mark J.
Coyle, Mary A.
Cronin, Cornelius
Cronin, Johanna
Cronin, John Stephen
Cronin, Mary
Crossen , Margaret E.
Cummings, Dennis J.
Cummings, Mary
Cummings, Thomas
Cunningham, Alexander
Cunningham, Donald
Cunningham, Ellen
Cunningham, Mary A.
Curley, John Patrick
Curley, Margaret
Curley, Mary A.V.
Curley, Patrick
Daihneault , Elizabeth Agnes
Daly, Ellen
Daly, James
Daly, James W.
Davenport, Nelson
Davis, Lizzie C
Delaney, Julia
Delaney, Martin
Delaney, Patrick J.
Dennin , James
Doherty, Michael
Dolan, Edward
Dolan, Edward
Donnelly, Joseph
Donovan, Annie F.
Dorsey, C.M.
Dorsey, Catherine
Dorsey, Cornelius M.
Dorsey, James
Dorsey, Mary
Dowling, Anna Cassidy
Dowling, Edward
Dowling, Mary F.
Dowling, Thomas P.
Duffy, Ellen
Duffy, Ellen
Duffy, James
Duffy, James
Duffy, James J.
Duffy, Jennie
Duffy, Margaret
Duffy, Mary
Duffy, Mary
Duffy, Michael J.
Duffy, Nellie
Dunlay , Mary
English, John
English, Margaret
Evers, Ellen
Evers, John J.
Evers, Mary
Evers, Michael
Evers, Thomas F.
Fagan, Catherine

Fagan, Michael G.
Fagan, Thomas S.
Farley, Mary J.
Flagg, John L.
Flaherty, Johanna M.
Flaherty, John
Flaherty, John H.
Flaherty, Margaret
Flaherty, Mary
Flaherty, Michael P.
Flaherty, William H.
Fleming, Ellen
Fleming, James
Fleming, James D.
Fleming, Norah
Gaffigan , Mary
Gillen, Kate C.
Gleason, John E.
Gleason, John H.
Gleason, Margaret E.
Gleason, Mary Alice
Gleason, Robert I.
Grace, Ellen
Grace, John
Grace, Michael
Griffin, Catherine
Guiry , Margaret
Halpin, Catherine
Hannon, Cornelius
Hannon, James
Hannon, Margaret
Hartigan , Ellen
Hartigan , John J.
Hartigan , Libbie
Hartigan , Maurice
Hartigan , Maurice
Hartigan , Nora A .
Haynes, Catherine
Haynes, Lizzie
Haynes, William H.
Haynes, Winslow
Healey, John E.
Healey, Teresa
Healy, Daniel A
Healy, John
Healy, Martin
Heffernan, Jennie
Heffernan, Mary
Hendy, Daniel
Hendy, Lizzie C.
Hendy, Margaret
Hendy, Thomas, D.
Hickey, Julia F.
Hill, Davis B.
Hoffman, John T.
Holland, Daniel
Holland, Daniel T.
Holland, Ellen
Holland, Mary J.
Holland, Stephen
Holmes, Annie
Holmes, Ellen
Holmes, Norah
Holmes, William
Holmes, William
Hooley, James P.
Hotchkiss, Sheriff
Howes , W.J.
Hutton, Bridget
Hutton, Bridget
Hutton, Bridget
Hutton, Carrie
Hutton, Frances V.
Hutton, Samuel Edward
Hutton, Samuel Edward
Hutton, William
Hutton, William
Hutton, William Jr.
Ingram, Sheriff
Inwood , Margaret E.
Kane, Nicolas T.
Keating, Ellen
Keating, John
Keating, Mary
Keating, Michael H.
Keenan, Mary F.
Keenan, Sheriff
Kellogg, William P.
Kelly, Ambrose
Kelly, Catherine
Kelly, Edward
Kelly, Ellen
Kelly, James
Kelly, John Edward
Kelly, John P.
Kelly, Mary
Kelly, Mary A.
Kennedy, Carrie
Kennedy, Sarah
Kennedy, William
Kiely , Margaret
Lamb, Mary A.
Lanigan , Catherine
Lent, W.A.
Lockwood, T.J. Jr
Lovelock, Edward A.
Lovelock, Kate
Lovelock, Patrick
Lucey , Daniel
Lyons, Edward L.
Lyons, Ellen
Madigan, Ellen
Malone, Mary
McBride, John
McClellan, Judge
McCormick, Catherine
McCormick, Frances V.
McCormick, Henry Joseph
McCormick, Johanna
McCormick, John
McCormick, John
McCormick, John Joseph
McCormick, Mary Ann
McDonnel , Mary
McEncrow , Ellen
McEntire , Jennie
McGowan, Bridget

McKanna , John
McKenna, Edward, J.
McKenna, Elizabeth
McKenna, John
McKeon, Sheriff
McNamara, Ellen
Mead, Elizabeth Agnes
Mead, George Henry
Mead, John
Mead, Mary
Merritt, H. A.
Millard, E.W.
Minahan , James C.
Minahan , John
Minahan , Margaret
Minahan , Mary
Moylan, Mary
Murphy, Edward Jr.
Murphy, Jr. Edward
Murray, Ellen
Murray, James T.
Murray, Martin
Myers, Catherine
Myers, Jennie
Myers, Michael
Myers, Walter A.
Neary , Thomas
Neary , Thomas
Nims , H . B.
Nutley, Mary
O’Brien, Ellen
O’Connor, Margaret C.
O’Donnell, Winifred
O’Neil, George
O’Neil, Sarah
O’Sullivan, Carrie E.
Oliver, G. W.
Oliver, George W.
Peters, Mary
Pillion, Catherine
Powers, John P.
Powers, Mary
Powers, Patrick
Prendergast, Catherine
Prendergast, John P.
Prendergast, Patrick
Purcell, Annie F.
Purcell, Johanna
Purcell, Johanna
Purcell, John C.
Purcell, John C.
Purcell, John J.
Purcell, Maggie E.
Purcell, Margaret E.
Purcell, Thomas B.
Purcell, Thomas B.
Quackenbush , G.V.S.
Quigley, John
Quigley, Mary
Quigley, Michael
Quinn, Esther
Quinn, James T.
Quinn, Michael
Rainey, Ellen
Regan, Catherine
Regan, Johanna M.
Reynolds, Sheriff
Riley, James M.
Riordan, Gerald G.
Riordan, John
Roarke , Bernard M
Roarke , Catherine
Roarke , Mary
Roarke , Patrick
Roche, Margaret
Roche, Mary L.
Roche, William
Roche, William J.
Rogers , E.F.
Ryan, Daniel
Ryan, Daniel
Ryan, Ellen
Ryan, Florence
Ryan, Honora
Ryan, James H.
Ryan, James Jr.
Ryan, Margaret
Ryan, Mary
Ryan, Mary
Ryan, Michael
Ryan, Michael F.
Ryan, Teresa
Ryan, Thomas
Ryan, Thomas W.
Ryan, William H.
Shields, Ellen
Shields, John
Shields, Margaret C.
Shields, William T.
Daniel E. Sands
Ellen Sands
George E. Sands
Skellie , John
Smith, Annie
Smith, John E.
Stanton, John
Stanton, Mary A.V.
Strait, E. Smith
Sweeney, Edmund
Sweeney, William R.
Sweeney, Winifred
Townsend, Martin I.
Tracy, Mary A.
Wallace, Judge
Walsh, James R.
Walters, Daniel
Welch, Kittie
Whelan, Catherine
Whelan, Dennis J.
Whitman, W.W.
Willard, Levi
Williams, Johanna
Williams, Johanna
Willson , M.M
Young, J.L.
Young, James T.